What to Do When Life Seems to Push You Around? | 當生活試圖壓倒你時該怎麼做? // Rod Plummer
Do you encounter obstacles whenever you try to progress in life? Whether it be a person, circumstance, or yourself, the greatest counter for threats to our joy is God's word!
Tune in as Ps Rod shares an uplifting message of overcoming challenges to our blessed life. As God promises that He will stand by us, we can be encouraged to walk on in confidence and determination.
彭樂德牧師將會分享振奮人心的信息,教大家如何克服人生所面臨的挑戰。 正如神應許他將站在我們身邊一樣,我們得以被鼓勵,並帶著信心和決心繼續前進。