But God... | 但是神... // Richard Welsh
When was the last time you were annoyed at the word "but"? A "but" from a boss or a loved-one flips the narrative of something good into a bad thing. But, God does the total opposite.
Ps Richard discusses the remarkable intervention of God, who is able to turn a bad situation into something good! We can still have hope, even in a difficult situation, knowing that God is ready to make things work in our favor.
對上一次你被「但是」這一詞惹惱是甚麼時候?老闆或親人的「 但是」一詞將好事的敘述變成了壞事。但是,神所做的卻完全相反 。
Richard牧師將討論神的超自然介入,能夠將一個糟糕的情況變成一件好事! 即使在困難的情況下,我們仍然可以懷有希望,明白到神已準備讓事情變得有利於我們。