A morning therapy with Jesus: Peter’s Power Morning of Restoration // 與耶穌的早晨療程: 彼得滿有大能的復興早晨 // Rod Plummer
Do you believe Jesus can restore the broken or hurt parts of your life including your heart, mind, body, vision and even relationships? In this message, Pastor Rod teaches about this incredible life restoration! Experience God's love and power as He identifies and heals your hurts, all while giving you fresh alignment in vision and leadership.
你相信耶穌可以復興你生命中破碎或受傷的部分,包括你的心、思想、身體、異象,以至關係嗎? 在這個信息中,彭樂德牧師將講述一個令人難以置信的生命復興!一齊嚟體驗神的愛和力量,因為他發現並治癒你的傷痛,同時更新你的異象和領導能力。